Page 10 - 2019 January Newsletter WEBEL
P. 10

10                                                                                               Volume: 23
                                                                                                January 2019 Issue

    Shri Hirak Mukherjee, Oxford Business Alumni shared his views on “Quantum Computing in Business – The Future”.
    While explaining quantum computing mechanism he gave an example that to search an entire library of Congress which
    is in United States for a name in an unsorted database, classical computer is likely to take about a 100 years. Quantum
    computer takes half a second. So one aspect of the whole idea is speed.

    It is likely that what is called big-data today may not be big
    anymore  because  the  ability  of  quantum  computing  to
    crunch that amount of data is far more efficient than any
    computing system that anybody can think of today. With
    impacts of quantum computing better models for climate
    change  and  weather  forecasting  are  being  created,
    greater crunching is happening and more accurate results
    are coming in.

                          Shri Hirak Mukherjee delivering speech 

    While talking on use of quantum computing in health care he referred to the use of Nanject patch for needle-less drug
    delivery which is much superior and painless. He said, “In quantum biology we are able to see inside the cell to figure
    out what is happening and therefore decide what all we can do”.

    Shri Gokul Alex, Associate Director, PWC covered the topic “Quantum Key Distribution Protocols and Zero Knowledge
    Proof Systems”. Dr. Anindita Banerjee of Qu Nu Labs deliberated on “Quantum Security”.

         Shri Gokul Alex, Associate Director, PWC delivering speech   Dr. Anindita Banerjee of Qu Nu Labs presenting her deliberation

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