Page 14 - July 2022 newsletter issue, WEBEL, WBEIDC
P. 14

13                                                                                         Volume: 31
                                                                                                  July 2022 Issue
                                                                                  e - Newsletter

       intelligence to control starting and stopping of movement gates. This ensures that safe number of people are
       only allowed and congestion of people is avoided.

                                            The drones having an HD camera recording the live footage as well as
                                            the  streaming  the  same  to  command  and  control  room  in  real  time
                                            where  disaster  management  experts,  decision  makers,  organisers,  etc.
                                            can analyse the footage and take any crucial decision. The live stream is
                                            established  on  a  completely  independent  system  which  3  layers  of
                                            backup option to ensure uninterrupted feed even during power failure,
                                            communication loss or blackout.

       In 2022 Mela, WEBEL has deployed 12 drones with multiple backups giving live feed from 7 locations. The live
       stream is given to control and command centre over a secure line and the backup of the complete footage is
       stored on cloud for future analysis. The footage is used to control the movement of jetties, opening of gates
       and any locations where CCTV network has limitations. Considering the global pandemic, drones are being
       used as tools to check social distancing, monitoring crowd movement and behaviour, etc. The live stream from
       the drones will also be broadcasted by the administration for devotees who could not be present in the event
       due to COVID-19 impact via their social media channels and handles. This not only makes them feel part of the
       event but also show cases the beauty and glory of the event for new devotees who could be encouraged to
       travel in future.

       The word "FinTech" is a combination of the words finance and technology. This represents an evolution of the
       technology when applied to the back end of established consumer and trade financial institutions. FinTech is a
       dynamic  segment  of  the  financial  services  sector  that  is  gaining  significant  momentum  and  disrupting  the
       traditional financial services value chain. Investors have invested billions in FinTech start-ups in recent years.
       The  majority  of  global  financial  services  companies  plan  to  increase  FinTech  partnerships,  as  investors
       recognize that the FinTech space generates real innovation and opportunity.

       FinTech companies create an ecosystem that fosters the collection of vast amounts of data and builds trusted
       relationships with clientele. Financial Institutions have realised the importance of these ecosystems and are

             Webel Bhavan, Block – EP & GP, Sector – V, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091                                                       e-Newsletter of WBEIDCL
                 Tel: +91 33 2357 1704/06    |    |    Toll free: 1800-345-5178    |    Website:
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